Tasting Marche Blog

Risotto with Lacrima and Truffle

Our Risotto with Lacrima and Truffle. There occasions that deserve special dishes and there are people who hate banality. Tasting Marche introduces a dish that fully meets these requirements, such as those that arise from the association of two exceptional ingredients. Here are our Risotto with Lacrima and Truffle: a party for your senses!

Fava Beans Cream with Pecorino Cheese and Pine Nuts

Our Fava Beans Cream with Pecorino Cheese and Pine Nuts. Fava beans, a wonderful legume consumed since ancient times, are a valuable and healthy foodstuff: nutritious and low in calories, rich in minerals and fiber, excellent for preparing countless recipes. The fava beans of Fratte Rosa are one of the best qualities and we will …

Carbonara Spaghetti

Our Carbonara Spaghetti. A typical dish of the Roman cuisine, known all over the world with no need for introductions. But if it is true that the ancient Sabines, the ancestors of the Romans, have given the origins of the populations of Piceno, the Marche’s founders, we are allowed to borrow this recipe and interpret …